We are asked, and ask, questions all the time…
“Tea or Coffee…Decaf or Caf…Milk, Sugar?”
“How was your holiday…how was the weather?”
“Where has the remote control gone!?”
“Whose it gonna be: Sunak or Starmer!?!?”
Jesus once asked his closest friends a question: ‘Who do you say I am?’
This question, and our answer, is the most important we will ever consider.
Over the last two millennia, Christian thinkers have used the Bible’s teaching to answer Jesus’s question in all sorts of useful ways. One answer is to use three words: Prophet, Priest and King.
In the Old Testament, God provides leaders in these three distinct roles to help his people; in Jesus alone, all three roles combine with divine power and perfection to help us today.
Join us for our final three Sunday Evenings before the summer break as we consider how Jesus is…
Our Ultimate Prophet Sunday 30th June Hebrews 1:1-4
Our Peace-Giving Priest Sunday 7th July Hebrews 5:1-10
The King of Kings Sunday 14th July Isaiah 9:2-7