At Woodgreen, we want to encouraging men to grow in their relationship with Christ. Our Men’s ministry activities seek to provide opportunities for men to encourage each other in their faith throughout the year.
What’s on for Men?
Prayer Squares
Praying together is a great way to deepen friendships and support one another. Several men meet regularly in 3s or 4s to share together and pray for one another. If you’d like to join a prayer square, speak to, or email Duncan
Termly Men's events
Each term we hold an event for men. We normally get stuck into a delicious meal before getting stuck into God’s word and prayer as we seek to encourage each other to live as faithful followers of Jesus. Upcoming men's events are listed at the bottom of this page.

Annual Conventions
Every year we organise a group of men to attend the Midlands Men’s Convention (which is typically held in November).
Other events
Throughout the year there will be opportunities for men to meet together— simply to catch up socially, to discuss a book, to listen to a Bible talk, or to invite friends to hear the gospel message.
Men’s Ministry Team Leader – Duncan Cobbett