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Growth Groups is the name we give to our small groups that meet fortnightly on either a Tuesday or Wednesday from around 7.45pm and finish around 9.30pm. Most groups meet on the Warndon villages or in the city centre, but there is also a group in Droitwich, St Johns, Northwick and one that meets online.

alexis-brown-omeaHbEFlN4-unsplGrowth Groups have three aims:

MATURITY – We want to see every member of the church family become more like Jesus. That’s why studying and applying the Bible is at the centre.

COMMUNITY – We don’t want to just get real with God but also with each other. Here we share life, laugh, pray and serve each other in the day to day experiences of life.

MISSION – Our vision is to see families, friends and communities transformed by the gospel so our small groups not only look inward but outward as well. God’s word drives us out into the world to share Jesus and so we support each other as we witness in the different places God has put us.

If you want to join a Growth Group please fill in this form.