Prayer is speaking to God our Father, individually and collectively. It is one of the great privileges a Christian has and so we are committed to praying together as a church family.
When we pray we express our dependency on God to do what we cannot do and so prayer is an essential part of our church life.
Prayer Central 
We have regular 'prayer meetings' throughout the week but the main one is our monthly ‘Prayer Central’ meeting. This is held on the first Wednesday of the month at 8.00pm in the church building.
We also produce a monthly 'Together in Prayer' bulletin highlighting specific areas to pray for in church life as well as wider issues that need prayer, including a focus on one of our mission partners.
‘Church Matters’, our weekly church newsletter, also contains items for prayer and praise. We also have a prayer whatsapp group for urgent prayer needs as well as a separate mission prayer whatsapp group. Please
CLICK HERE if you are part of the church family and would like to be added to either of these groups.
As well as Prayer Central, some of our church family meet to support one another in prayer triplets or in smaller informal groups. If you would like to join one of these please ask one of the pastors.
Emily Johnston, 09/02/2021