There are many ways to grow in your faith. Here are some great resources that will help:
Our Sermon archive and library
All our sermons are recorded each week and can be found in
our sermon library - a great place to go to catch up on any you might have missed.
If you're looking for some extra teaching, search through our
sermon's listed by series page and choose a series to listen to.
Our e-bookstore

If you want to grow as a Christian you need to serve God using your gifts, depend on him in prayer, come to church, read your Bible AND read good Christian books. Paul said we mustn’t be conformed to the pattern of this world but instead should be transformed by the renewing of our minds. One of the main ways this happens is as we read good Bible–centred books. So, we have partnered with 10ofthose to create
an e-bookstore. There are some recommendations for you, chosen by the our Pastors. They will change regularly so keep coming back and some will link in with sermon series we are doing at church.
Specific resources:
See the menu for resources specific to certain groups or people