The creation account in Genesis chapters 1-3 reveals a God who is greater than any other, but Genesis 4-11 goes on to reveal a God who is more gracious than we deserve.
These chapters describe the spread of sin and death in the world following the Fall. Yet against this dark backdrop God’s grace shines brightly. God’s love for fallen people persists. Even as he judges sin, he shows mercy. He is kinder to Cain than he deserves. He delivers Enoch from death. He saves Noah from judgement. He scatters rather than destroys at Babel. He promises to restore his blessing through Abraham.
From Abel to Babel sin appears unstoppable, yet we also see here a God of grace who has a masterplan to restore creation.
4:1-16 God’s Kindness: Mercy to the Unrepentant 21/1
4:17-26 God Preserves: Common Grace 28/1
5:1-32 God Raises: Deliverance from Death 4/2
6:1-8 God Sees: A Heart Problem 11/2
6:9-8:1a God Saves: Noah and the Ark 18/2
8:1-9:7 God's Faithfulness: A New Creation 3/3
9:8-28 God Commits: The Rainbow Covenant 10/3
11:1-9 God Scatters: The Tower of Babel 17/3
11:10-12:3 God Promises: Hope for the Future 24/3