The pollster George Gallup was once asked: ‘Of all the things you’ve studied, what is it that interests you the most?’. He replied: ‘Happiness’.
We all want to be happy. But this is not a modern phenomenon. 1,600 years ago Augustine wrote: ‘Every man, whosoever his condition, desires to be happy.’
We all want a fireproof joy that can survive the furnace of life. But where does this sort of joy come from? And where should we look for it? And how do we get it? And when we find it how do we hold on to it?
The Bible answers these questions by directing us to a happy God who made us in his image and longs to draw us into his happiness. As we grasp his goodness and grace and trust him in the ups and downs of life, we discover how to #CHOOSEJOY.
5th May #PURSUEJOY Psalm 100
19th May #JOYFULGOD Luke 15:1-31
26th May #JOYFULCOMMUNITY 1 Peter 2:4-10
2nd June #JOY&SORROW 1 Peter 1:1-9
9th June #THEBOOKOFJOY Psalm 119