Resources for training
One of our Values states:
'we believe that one of the priorities of a healthy church will be to develop courageous, servant-hearted, Christ-centred leaders across all areas of church life.'
We long for everyone in the church family to grown in their faith, understanding and handling of God's Word. So we have put together a page of resources that we hope will help. Whether you're thinking about joining a ministry team, or just want to be able to understand God's word better for yourself - please have a browse.
This fantastic book comes highly recommended for anyone serving in any way in church life. Click on it to find our more:

Reading and Understanding the Bible

Dig Deeper is a toolbox of helpful ways to get to the bottom of any Bible passage and discover its true meaning.
Dig Even Deeper puts these tools into practise using the book of Exodus. In the authors’ own words, ‘We want to share with you why we think it means what it does, how we came to our understanding of the verses, what discoveries we made. Rather than a Hollywood movie, this is going to be more like the how–they–made–the–movie footage.’
Richard preached a sermon series in 2008 called Bible Refresh. In each sermon he shows how to read and understand a different genre of literature found in the Bible. You can find them all by clicking on the image below:
A helpful sermon series by Richard:

Children's Ministry

Packed with encouragement and essential skills for anyone involved in leading or helping with children's ministry or Sunday School, Starting Out In Children's Ministry is a really helpful book that we suggest all who are already or thinking of serving in this area read.
Leading Bible Studies

Both these books will help anyone thinking of leading a Bible study in any setting, or even reading the bible one to one with a younger Christian. Click on either for more information.
Further Training
The Midlands Ministry Training Course (MMTC) is a one day a week training course. It runs over 32 Tuesdays in Birmingham (or Thursdays in Nottingham) in 3 academic terms providing practical training for Biblical ministry. It can be taken over one or two years. Watch this video for more information or download
their flyer. Most years there are a handful of Woodgreener's doing this highly recommended course.
Emily Johnston, 09/03/2021