On Sunday mornings we have two identical services, one at 9.30 and the second at 11.30. Please see below for information about our children's groups during these services.
Our 6 pm service has different songs and sermon series from the morning and there are no children's groups during this service.
Tea and coffee is served after every service.
Anyone is welcome. If you are not used to going to church you will find that everything is explained and that you are under no obligation to take part in anything. There is no dress code – please wear what you feel comfortable with. We don’t collect money during any of our services.
If you are unsure about anything when you arrive, just look for a ‘welcome steward’ who will help you.
We have a car park, which you are welcome to use.
Week by week details can be found in our church calendar.
There is wheelchair access and a sound loop in the main hall. We have a disabled toilet in the foyer. At some activities we provide BSL interpretation.
Our Services
We hope that you will find our services to be welcoming and accessible. Our service leader will take us through our time of worship, including prayers, notices and possibly a special item such as an interview, interspersed with two or three contemporary songs or hymns led by our music group. One of our pastors will then give a talk that is Bible-based and that we can apply to our everyday lives. We finish with a song or hymn again led by our music group.
Watching our 'Get to know Woodgreen' video will give you a fuller idea of what to expect.
What about my children?

At both morning services we have provision for pre-school children to go for their own activities for part of the service. During school term time we offer our Young Church groups:
At 9:30:
Pioneers (0-2 years old) meet in Room 2
Launch Pad ( 3 - 4 years old) meet in Room 1
Explorers (Reception - Year 2) meet in Room 3/4
Voyagers (Year 3 - 5) meet in Prayer Hall
Focus (Year 6-8) meet upstairs
At 11.30:
Pioneers (0-4 years old) meet in Room 2
Explorers (Reception - Year 5) meet in the Prayer Hall
Focus (Year 6-8) meet upstairs
Focus takes place on 3 out of 4 weeks during term time providing a transition from Young Church.
Each group provides age appropriate fun and teaching by DBS checked volunteers. Your children sit with you for the start of the service and after around 15 minutes the children leave. You will be told by the service leader when and where to take them.

students@woodgreen meet after the evening service for a Bible study. Please go to the
students page or email
Abi for more information.
Live Stream
All Sunday services are live streamed on our YouTube channel.